I promised updates on Wyatt so I guess I had better deliver. I am currently 29 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Everything is going great. This is been by far the easiest pregnancy for me! Go figure, leave it to the last one to be the easiest :) He is extremely low. I keep telling Tyler I feel like any minute Wyatt is going to just stick his arm out and wave to me ...I wish I was kidding. I am getting the pregnancy waddle, not because I feel huge but because my pelvis is killing me. My OB says that this pelvic pain is really common for moms who have had large babies in the past. (Gunnar was 9lbs 10oz and Troy was 9lbs 14oz). The other concern has been how big Wyatt will be. In the first ultrasound they said he was actually a bit on the small side, but of course that was 11 weeks ago so a lot could have changed. I am measuring right on track BUT they said that same crap with Troy too. I actually have zero faith in my doctor when it comes to predicting baby size so I take it all with a grain of salt. I look a lot smaller than I looked with either of the boys. I will get around to updating some belly pictures soon.
I haven't had too many weird food cravings this time around. The first few months I was craving soy sauce and hot sauce but that seems to have faded out. The only thing that even sounds half way appetizing is cereal though most days I have no appetite. I usually have to make myself eat for the sake of the baby- yet I am manging to pack on the pounds so I must be eating something. With the boys I could never eat enough! Wyatt is super active! Hands down the most active baby of the 3. If he stays this active he will have no problem keeping up with his brothers and I will be screwed!
I guess I should also mention we are not changing Wyatt's name. Once we picked the name I started hearing it all over town and I sure don't want a name that is too popular, however Tyler and I can not agree on anything else and Gunnar is DEAD SET that he will have a brother named Wyatt. So if you know anyone named Wyatt I don't want to hear about it. If you don't like the name then go kick rocks, its not your baby.
Completely off the subject, while typing this Troy discovered he could see/yell at his brother through the vents in the
living room floor. The two are screaming back and forth to each other. Welcome to my world....